"La Fil Rouge", 2018
Cie Françoise Bonijol Créations 2018
Instant Composition Performance at Theatre Bagniol cur Cese, 15 September 2018
Concept/Idea: Cie Francoise Bonijol
Yann, Lheureux, Katarzyna Brzezinska, Francoise Bonijol, Emmanuel Grivet
Photography: Eric Barby
"Loose Feets", 2017
Instant composition performance , collective "Quizzical Körper", Freiburg
dance: Irrene Carreno, Rebecca Narum, Andrea Lagos, Katarzyna Brzezinska, Sarantoula Sarantaki
music: Juan Pablo Orrego Berrios
"IIImpro" ( duet, 2017)
Instant Composition Duet.
Completely different twins, at time that is just passing away, playing, talking with full bodies, manipulating each other. Respecting and bodering, fully loving. Images, unspoken, always together.
dance: Sarantoula Sarantaki, Katarzyna Brzezinska
Photography: Eric Barby
"Loose Feets", 2017
Instant composition performance , collective "Quizzical Körper", Freiburg
dance: Irrene Carreno, Rebecca Narum, Andrea Lagos, Katarzyna Brzezinska, Sarantoula Sarantaki
music: Juan Pablo Orrego Berrios
Instant Composition Duet.
Completely different twins, at time that is just passing away, playing, talking with full bodies, manipulating each other. Respecting and bodering, fully loving. Images, unspoken, always together.
dance: Sarantoula Sarantaki, Katarzyna Brzezinska